Sunday, November 2, 2014

BBAU 11: Week 8 Recap

Week 8 in the BBAU house

The 4 from Next Door
4 people move into the Sanctuary!

Tom, 26, Sydney
Penny, 30, Melbourne
Richard, 25, Sydney
Lina, 25, Melbourne

They settle in quickly to their new digs, and start making a ton of noise in their pool. The housemates also in their pool start to hear them, and are wondering what's going on. They think it could be Skye and Leo, but they find them in the bedroom. Everyone else is accounted for, so they think they could be intruders.

They start to shout to the people in the Sanctuary, and they shout back! They say "we're your new neighbors!'

Lawson goes to Big Brother and asks about them. Big Brother says he will invite them to come over for him.

Snooze You Lose Task

Only 4 housemates can be sleeping at the same time, day or night. They are only allowed to sleep in the green room. If anyone falls asleep anywhere else, they lose a life. If more than 4 housemates are sleeping at one time, they lose a life.

They passed the task.

Marina is evicted! Not gonna lie, not sad about this at all. She really added nothing to the house.

The votes to save:
27% Skye
21% Travis
14% David
13% Cat
12% Leo
10% Priya
3% Marina

Power Play
The 4 neighbors are moving in, and it's up to Ryan which 4 current housemates will be moving out. They will become the neighbors and will only be allowed to come visit when Big Brother says. He has to pick 2 males and 2 females.

Ryan chooses to send:
Travis - he liked it so much in the Sanctuary, so he thought he'd send him back
Cat - splitting her up from Lawson
Leo - he will struggle without the gym, so he thought he'd stir the pot, and he is splitting up him and Skye
Priya - she was the only girl left without putting together a couple

He has effectively split up all the pairs. Wow...gutsy move. He says he thinks that anyone would have made the same choice as him.

This week, all of the original housemates are up for eviction.

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