Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Survivor, Ep. 33.13

We're in for a full episode tonight! 2 Immunity Challenges and 2 Tribals! And only 1 hour to do it all! This is going to feel very fast, I have a feeling.

Here we go!

Vinaka Camp
Will thinks he left Tribal as a man. He thinks he can flip-flop back and forth til the end and come out the winner.

Bret thinks they are all insane for taking out Zeke before David.

Bret tells Adam and Sunday that Jay is a huge threat, as well as David and Will, and they need to go. Bret thinks the 3 of them can go far to the end. They shake on it that Jay, David, and Will will be the next 3 to go.

Immunity Challenge #1
Challenge: David - "This looks involved." race to discs and stack them on a pole and balance them while going through obstacles to transport all of them. Drop a disc and you start over. And you can carry as many discs at a time as you want. Then all 10 discs will be rolled into a narrow slot.

David is over first, followed by Bret, Ken, and Jay. Will drops and has to go back. Hannah and Sunday are barely moving. David is flying over the balance beam. Bret drops.

2nd phase: David and Ken are neck and neck. This time, the bar is horizontal instead of vertical.

Will again with problems on a balance beam and he is in last.

Bret is the first through with 4 discs. Jay has 6! David and Ken are back with their stacks. And Will is still in the first part! Come on, man!

Jay is first to finish phase 2. He can start rolling the discs. Jay, Bret and David all rolling.

Jay is on a roll with 4 and now 6. Bret and David have 2. Jay hits 7, 8, 9, and 10 all in a row! Woohoo! Will is in trouble :(

Vinaka Camp

Ken said Jay would have been the target if he hadn't have won immunity, so now things are up in the air.

Will told Jay that David can't win a challenge, but Ken can. However, they decide to take out David first and then Ken. No!!! Will thinks if David goes to the end, he will win easily. Will thinks that he is calling the shots.

David sees everyone talking and scrambling. He feels very insecure and hopes he survives. He thinks Will wants to pad his resume and wants to follow up his last big move with another big move by taking out him because he's seen as the biggest threat.

Adam thinks Will is more dangerous right now because he thinks he is running things. Adam told Bret that he's not interested in working with Will and he plans to vote for Will. Sunday agrees, so the 3 o them will vote for Will. Hannah questions if it's a good move to do that since he just saved them from a horrible situation and he saved them (whether he did it for himself or not). She owes both Will and David because they saved her. While talking, they kind of change their mind and think that maybe David does need to go first, and they think they are the ones calling the shots on who will go home.

Tribal Council #1
David says he has deep concerns that it's going to be him tonight. Hannah said that everyone has played with everyone as well as against everyone. Adam says that big moves have gotten a lot of people on the jury out. David said you have to make the big moves even if it makes you a target because if you make it to the end, you won't win without big moves.

The Votes, Round 1
Sure wish it was either Bret or Sunday going...


:( Sad to see Will go. He played extremely well for a young 18-year-old kid.

Vinaka Camp
David thanks everyone for keeping him. Jay thinks that he is the black plague because everyone who tries to work with him ends up going home. Tribal is always a chaotic mess. He refuses to go down.

Adam apologizes for lying to Jay, yet again. They have a love/hate relationship. Jay asks Adam if he plans to go to the end with David. He said David will turn on him. Adam says he hopes not. He said he would go after David next, but yet again, he's lying. He wants Jay to go. He asks Jay if he has an idol, and Jay said he does. Jay promised to take him to the end, but Adam has no intention of working with him. As soon as he doesn't win immunity, they will vote for him.

Immunity Challenge #2
Challenge: solve block puzzle that is timed with a pin ball; catch the pin ball and start it over to work on the puzzle again. If the ball drops, they have a time-out while the ball slowly rolls out. This is just like a Big Brother challenge! So tough...lots of concentration and multi-tasking!

Jay is the first to drop and has to do the time penalty. Sunday's drops, Hannah's drops, Adam's drops, Ken drops...yikes! This sucks...that ball goes so slowly in the penalty and they can't work on the puzzle at all. Jay drops.

Hannah just barely catches it. Ken is doing well, but Jeff said that David is in the lead. Ken yells "no he's not!" Ken is done...but he's wrong! Adam tells him that he will tell him when his ball is dropping to help him get it. Adam tells him to come back and he does to just catch his ball. This time, he finally has it right! There are some unhappy people with Adam blatantly helped Ken. Ken joked that apparently when you've starved for 35 days, you can't spell. It's're still hot :) So glad he has immunity, but worried about Jay now. I sure hope he knows the right time to play his idol. He got away with risky moves of not playing it, but I think tonight needs to be the night.

Vinaka Camp
Adam tells the group he didn't want David to win. Jay said he will vote out David tonight and he hopes they do too. Adam wants to vote Jay out, and he hopes that if he plays his idol that David will go instead.

David and Ken tell Hannah that her and Adam make them a voting block of 4. Throw 3 votes to Bret and 1 vote to Jay. Sunday, Bret, and Jay will throw 3 votes to David. If Jay plays an idol, it will be a tie between David and Bret and when they revote, they will all vote Bret. Hannah wonders why not vote Sunday because she is a very enticing goat. Yes! Finally, someone is throwing out Bret's and Sunday's names! Hannah brings up the very good point that they have done nothing in the game and are most likely to be taken to the end.

Adam and Hannah talk, and he says he needs to vote Jay. Ken tries to persuade Adam to not vote out David. Adam knows they have to put enough votes on Jay that if he doesn't use his idol he goes, and enough votes for David that if Jay does use it, that David goes home. Adam's worst case scenario: Jay is still in the game, and he still has his idol.

Adam tells Jay he is going to play his idol and he is going to force him to use it. Jay thinks he might just be lying to him for the 100th time and trying to get him to flush the idol. Jay begs Adam to keep him. Adam tells him that his mom has cancer and he said he's not told anyone else that in the game. He told him that the treatments aren't working and he's doing this for her. Jay pulled his bandana over his eyes, visibly upset. Jay said that he's been scared for 9 years that his mom would die - she's had brain aneurysms. They definitely bonded over their similar situations. Jay no longer thinks that Adam is a rat.

Hannah wants to vote for Sunday now. Adam said that either Jay or David need to go because they are the biggest threat. Hannah is worried about losing David because she loves him.

Tribal Council #2
Jay tries to plead his case that he is a challenge threat, but he has no alliance. Meanwhile, Ken has the necklace and an alliance and that is a bigger threat. Jeff points out how many times David was pointed out as a huge threat and is still there. Adam said David has been in the majority for much of the game and juries love to vote for people like him. Hannah said everyone is worried about who the jury will vote for, and everyone has pretty much written their finale speeches. Sunday said she is underestimated. She's not a challenge threat, but she thinks she can win votes even though no one thinks she can. And that would NOT be what you would want to be pointing out to people who are going to be voting someone out in a few minutes! Fingers crossed for Jay and David!

The Votes Round 2
I don't think Jay is going to play his idol. But...he says he would rather be safe than sorry. He grunts in frustration because he hates to have to play it. He tells them that they are going to be stuck with him for a little bit longer.

Jay - doesn't count

Gosh dang it! Jay really DIDN'T have to play it! But you know, the time he doesn't play it, will be the time he goes home with it in his pocket. He's lucky he's good at challenges. So happy to see Sunday go. She was a nice person, but not a great player. It would have been kind of a bummer to see her get to the finals just as a goat when someone else more deserving could get a chance. I bet she's regretting what she said at Tribal.

We are tied again, and there are 3 Gen-X and 3 Millennials. Next week is the final episode :( I'm loving this season and I'm so bummed that it's going to be ending already.

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