Sunday, July 10, 2016

Big Brother, Ep. 18.9

Bridgette is HOH
Bridgette is super nervous to be HOH. Her gameplay is "friendship" and she doesn't want to get on anyone's bad side.

Frank wants to steer Bridgette toward his biggest nemesis in the moment: Tiffany. He and Tiffany just don't get along and each are coming after the other. Da'Vonne thinks that Bridgette being HOH is like Frank being HOH and she'll do whatever he thinks is best - and that annoys Da'Vonne. But not that long ago, Da'Vonne was so upset at Tiffany for being shady and trying to one-up her in the Veto, when she was supposed to be throwing the comp. Da'Vonne saw her looking at her word and then making her word longer just to beat her and she saw that as a direct attempt at coming at her, so she doesn't trust her.

Bronte and Natalie are excited that a fellow Spy Girl won HOH.

James told Bridgette not to let people bully her into doing something she doesn't want to do since she wants to get minimal blood on her hands.

Zakiyah cries to Da'Vonne because she doesn't talk to Bridgette, so she doesn't feel safe.

Bridgette tells Frank that she has ideas, but she doesn't know if they are good or stupid. Frank says, "well, why don't you tell me your ideas". She said she was thinking either Nicole and Corey or Tiffany and Corey. Frank said he didn't think Nicole would ever go after her. He said he is buddy-buddy with Corey. In his opinion, Tiffany needs to go and Paul should go up with her. He doesn't think Paul would come after her for putting him up "because he's not that kind of guy" (ha!).

Frank Turns Ugly
All of a sudden, a not-so-nice Frank has shown up. I don't know where this guy came from, but he better watch himself. He's just being VERY mean and very disrespectful to all the girls. That's such a disappointment because I really liked Frank. It's sad to see this side of him come out. Da'Vonne has watched her tongue and has smiled through it, but she's going to break at some point and really let him have it. No one is very happy with him at the moment. He had Da'Vonne in tears. She went into the DR in tears and just needed some time to hide out. I really do think that Frank thought everyone was just joking and having fun, but what he was saying was not OK and they did not think it was very funny or appropriate. He seemed genuinely surprised to see her reaction and did seem apologetic. He said he didn't mean it in a bad way and he didn't want to offend her. She thanked him for talking to her. She did that mostly for game and because he is sort of the HOH this week. Really, she is still coming after him.

Frank told James that smacking people on the butt is just something his family does. When he does that to someone it usually means that he feels really comfortable around them. That is not the way Da'Vonne took it and she did not think it was OK. I think it was also what he would say when he did it that made it worse. He said last night wasn't the first time he had done it and she would usually laugh so he didn't know why she got so upset this time.

Bridgette nominates Paul and Tiffany. She said it was just a game move and if they wanted to come and talk about it over hot Cheetos they could. She seemed so immature making these nominations. Paul is sort of becoming the "pawn star" a la Johnny Mac last season and the original from BBCan, AJ.

Nomination Fallout
Bronte thinks if there is any backlash from the nominations and evictions this week, it will fall on Frank and not her, so she shouldn't worry.

Flirty James
So, there are phones in the rooms that actually work. James calls the other room to talk to Natalie. He likes to flirt with her a lot....but then he also flirts with every other girl in the house. He loves his GT (girl talk). Natalie said that James is someone she would actually date on the outside. He just loves to make her laugh. She asked if she could just wear her bra. He said bras should be supportive, just like a man.

BB Roadkill
Comp: listen to horn sound effects and then repeat the sequence. The fastest to get all 8 horns in the right sequence will win. What a fun challenge! And the winner is: Frank! That makes #2 for him. He got it in 56 seconds. Wow!

Frank played it off like he didn't win it...just like last time. But this time everyone picked up on it and they all think he won it.

The Roadkill Nominee: Bronte - she is also becoming a regular to the block. These 3 were all there last week. Victor was the backdoor option that saved each of them, so this time, it's going to be one of them most likely.

Bridgette is upset that one of her best friends is on the block this week. She vows to go after whoever won the Roadkill. Little does she know (but really she should) that that person is one of her closest allies and teammates, Frank.

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