Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Survivor, Ep. 31.8

Orkun Camp
Savage is on a mission. He wants to get the Ciera's and Abi's out of the game. He thinks they are planning a big move and he wants to offset whatever they're planning. Good luck with that.

Ciera realizes she is on the bottom of the totem pole. She is hoping Fishbach will work with her because he also wants to make big moves. She wants to convince him that now is the right time. We all know he is out for Joe. Ciera brings this up to him. Crap.

Reward Challenge
Challenge: divide in 2 teams - paddle to crates and put in boat; stack crates so no repeating colors on any side
Reward: trip to a cafe for caffeine and sugar treats
Flashback: this challenge was lost by Wiglesworth who "lost to the guy who couldn't swim", which was Gervase

Green: Wentworth, Joe, Keith, Kimmi, Ciera, Wiglesworth

Purple: Tasha, Savage, Spencer, Jeremy, Fishbach, Abi

Wiglesworth's boat is having problems just like last time. Joe pushes the other team way off course, as they have to criss-cross to get to their crates!

Spencer falls in after getting a crate! Oh no! Joe and Keith working well on the other side.

Spencer's boat is floating away and he has to really swim to get it there. Meanwhile green has all 4 crates and are at the beach.

Joe takes a crate all by himself! The others double up to carry the crates. Kimmi tries to roll one but doesn't get it very far.

Green has a big lead, but it's all about getting the puzzle now. Joe is a beast lifting those crates!

Jeremy, like Joe muscles a crate all by himself for purple.

Spencer thinks he's on to something...they had repeating red on one side!

Green thinks they have it and they do!


Kimmi is excited because this is her first food reward challenge ever.

Ciera is hoping to do some networking during their time away. She explains what she meant during the last Tribal. She is casting her bait and hoping someone will bite. She talks about going after Savage and Jeremy. Joe is with Bayon, but he knows those guys won't play very long with him, so he has some decisions to make. He throws out Fishbach's name because he's smart. He knows he may have to make a big move and if he can do it with the right people, it could really be good for him.

Keith finds a tut-tut and he kicks it into gear and takes his friends for a ride down the beach. He was having so much fun! "You call, we'll haul!" Looks like we know where he's going to retire to.

Orkun Camp
While the people are away on reward, Fishbach becomes a "Debbie Downer". He was so devastated to lose the food challenge and he really wanted it. He wanted to make some bonds during the rewarde and he doesn't have that chance now. His nightmare is it is happening all over again, and his arch-nemesis, Joe is on that reward, and those people are making bonds with him.

Fishbach keeps bringing up Joe's name. Jeremy has said he wants to keep him around because every time he wins something, the target gets bigger on his back. That's a target that's not on his own back. Fishbach tells Jeremy that if Joe loses, immunity, he should be gone. He also tells his plan to Spencer and Tasha. He said they have the numbers to do it, and if they have the opportunity to do it, they have to take it because he's that big of a threat.

Thankfully, there is at least one true Joe supporter, and that's Savage. He said he likes Joe and he's not going anywhere. If only I caould believe that that was enough. I'm just not so sure it will be. I hope that by Joe coming back with info about what Ciera shared with them about Jeremy and Fishbach that he can grant himself a little more time.

The reward people come back and Savage tells Joe immediately what Fishbach is planning. Joe knows if he loses, he's gone. Great. This is going to be a very panicked next 10 minutes or so through this challenge! I hope my heart can take it!

Immunity Challenge
Challenge: balance a ball on a disc, on a rope -- wow this is VERY similar to the last one (which Joe won...let's hope it's good luck!)
Flashback: Jeremy and Keith played -- Jeremy was first out and Keith won!

Wentwoth and Ciera are out in the first 3 seconds!!! Wiglesworth is out very soon after, followed by Jeremy.

Abi looked solid, but all of a sudden, she's out! Fishbach is out, Savage is out and he gives it the finger. Umm....that was interesting.

10 minute first round, and then they move their hands down the rope. 5 people left.

Kimmi has been fighting it for a long time, but finally her ball drops. Tasha is out.

Keith, Joe, and Spencer are left! Holy crap!!!

10 minutes are up, and it's the last notch on the rope. I literally can't watch. I'm holding my breath.

Joe's ball starts moving...oh no...oh no...oh no. Spencer is out!

If they last more than 10 minutes, they add a 2nd ball. Yikes! And we're on to 2 balls!

Come on, Joe! Just a little bit longer! His balls start to move a little, Keith's are moving a little. The wind isn't helping. Oh this is killing me! Keith is solid, he looks like he could go for days. Joe's ball moves a little, but he recovers, and now they are moving away from each other, oh no! Oh no! Keith's ball is moving...and it drops!!!!!

Joe wins!!!! Fishbach looks like someone killed his puppy! So...2 down, 8 more to go...yikes!

Fishbach calls Joe his Moby Dick.

Savage tells Joe that he thinks Fishbach is dangerous and he needs to go. Joe is going to use the 3 girls on the bottom to help accomplish this (Ciera, Wentworth, and Abi). Wentworth thought she was screwed, but she is loving this idea. Ciera is ok with anyone as long as it isn't her or Wentworth. Savage works on Wiglesworth and Tasha. Jeremy strolls into the convo, and he doesn't seem to think this would be a good idea. Jeremy is thinking that he wants Fishbach with him deep into the game, and he has been working with him since Day 1. He suggests Wentworth or Ciera first. Savage said he would do what the group wants. He is disappointed that things might not go the way the wants them to.

Tasha tells Joe that they don't want to create a divide so soon by taking out Fishbach right now. This makes Joe very nervous. Wiglesworth says that someone has something deeper with Fishbach than they know. Wentworth is mad that Joe won't grow a pair and stand up to everyone, so he is dead to her. Seriously?! They might vote Savage now. These people are all so wishy-washy!

Tribal Council
Kass walks in, in great Kass fashion, by giving the finger. Ha!

Ciera said no one is fighting for their spot at the top. Wentworth says that 4 people are running the game. She said no one wants to make a move. Ciera names: Jeremy, Savage, Tasha, Stephen or Joe. Jeremy said she named 5 people, so they don't even know who's running things.

Savage said there are people who talk and have a mutual respect for one another. Ciera majorly rolls her eyes (somehow she can roll one eye one way and the other one the other way). She said she can't believe anyone would believe that.

Spencer throws out the fact that there are idols in play.

Fishbach says the game is different than the first time around and he doesn't know if there are actually people on the bottom. Ciera doesn't agree.

Wentworth said someone came to her and said they want to make a big move. Probst said he should out whoever that is if she is truly on the bottom and desperate. She said what if she is still there and needs to work with them.

I LITERALLY have no idea who is going home. The previews hinted at a blindside, but will it be?

The Votes
I'm just glad Joe can't be voted for and Spencer's name wasn't on the table. That's all I'm sure of.

Wentworth got cold feet and decided to play her idol! Ciera just said this was her favorite moment. Everyone applauded and mouths dropped. Booyah!


Holy crap!!!!! #Blindside! I don't think I've ever seen someone's name written down more times! Oh man, that one sucks! There were a LOT of shocked faces, and Jeremy mouths a BIG "WOW". Yeah, that about sums it up. She totally nailed that as the right time to use the idol. Well played. Well played.

Poor Savage. He got a raw deal his first time around, and he got a raw deal this time around. On his way out, Abi says so sweetly "You made it to the jury." Savage turns around and gives her the finger. deserved for that comment.

So there were 3 Savage votes: Wentworth, Ciera, and Abi

...And I'm more scared for Joe than ever! Every week is do or die. These people are ruthless!

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