Sunday, August 11, 2013

Big Brother UK 14: Week 8 Recap

Dexter The Great
Big Brother tells Dexter that he is going to be a magician, and he's going to be messing with the other housemates. He is supposed to make them believe that he is actually performing magic.

  • He changes Gina's shoe into chocolate treats
  • He turns Charlie's hat into a bottle of wine
  • He turns Sam's flip-flop into a plate of coal
  • With a hidden ear piece, Dexter reads Sophie, Hazel, and Gina's mind to reveal their true thoughts about other housemates
  • For the finale, he chooses to make Sam disappear; however, Big Brother takes him to a secret room where he gets to spy on the rest of the house (Dexter didn't know what was happening)--he got quite an earful, because all of the housemates were talking about him and about how Dexter wants him gone
Gina's Fan Mail Task
Gina is given the task of writing fan letters for the other housemates, as if they were written by fans. She is asked who shouldn't receive any letters, and she chooses Hazel, naturally. Just another mean Big Brother trick!

She did a very good job writing the letters, and did a good job not laughing as they read the letters out loud. She even wrote a letter to herself! She put some really hilarious things in those letters...quite a good job, Gina! Very convincing.

As her reward, she receives some of her favorite Japanese foods. She is told that the housemates will never know that she wrote the letters, unless she tells them. She said she probably would because she has a guilty conscience. She walks downstairs moaning and groaning because she ate too much, and she tells everyone that the letters were fake.

This week the housemates aren't making nominations, their families and friends are.
  • Hazel's Mom--Gina and Sophie
  • Charlie's Friend--Hazel and Jack/Joe
  • Dexter's Mom--Jack/Joe and Hazel
  • Jack/Joe's Mom--Dexter and Charlie
  • Sam's Mom--Dexter and Sophie
  • Sophie's Grandma ("Nan")--Hazel and Sam
  • Gina's Boyfriend--Hazel and Charlie

    The nominated housemates are: Charlie, Dexter, Hazel, Jack/Joe and Sophie

    Commentary Task: Jack and Hazel
    Big Brother tells Jack and Hazel that they are going to provide sports like commentary for the things that the other housemates do. This could be really funny. It would probably be funnier if it was Jack and Joe.

    They don't know that their commentary will be broadcast into the house for everyone to hear.  Jack and Hazel aren't able to hear what they are saying and they have to pretend like they can't hear what they are saying.

    There were way too many funny things done and said to try to must find the clip and watch it.

    Shopping Task
    Gina chooses Charlie to help her with the task. Gina gets crowned Big Brother's Queen Bee, and Charlie is her head guard. The rest of the house are her worker bees who must produce 250 jars of honey. If they misbehave, she can shock (sting) them. As Queen Bee, she is not to lift a finger and should have a relaxing task. I'm not sure why it's fair that she always seems to get the very nice tasks.

    Big Brother offers Queen Gina and Charlie a nice dinner with champagne, if they decide to have the worker bees produce 350 jars instead of 250. In order to do so, they will need to be worked harder and will need more shocks.

    Queen Gina asks Sam to tell her jokes, which then requires Hazel to work harder to cover for him. She enjoyed very much ordering Hazel around and stinging her relentlessly. 

    Queen Gina and Charlie are asked if they want to receive a call from home, but only one of them could get it. Charlie told Gina to take it. In order to get the chance for the phone call, the workers need to make 400 jars...and they won't know that Gina will be getting this reward.

    During this part of the task, Hazel was found to not be wearing her stinger. She claimed that she spoke to Big Brother and Big Brother told her that she didn't need to wear it. Gina asked Big Brother and he confirmed that he has NOT spoken to anyone or given anyone permission to not wear the stinger. 

    Gina says that Jack, Joe and Hazel should perform some entertainment like tap dancing. Hazel wants no part of it. She says she is ill and doesn't want to do it, but eventually, she does get up and barely moves. But Jack and Joe were hilarious when they did their Irish step dancing. Dexter was up next and he was to imitate everyone in the room. He was quite good. 

    In another round of the task, Gina was spun around and then forced to go through a sticky obstacle course and answer questions about the other housemates. If she got any wrong, the house would lose 70 pounds. She got 4/6 correct. Then Big Brother announced that because Hazel didn't wear her shock pad yesterday, they would lose 100 pounds. All in all, they earned 180 pounds.

    Evicted: Hazel
    Could it have been any more obvious who was going home this week? The crowd kept chanting "Get Hazel out, get Hazel out!" I think if she hadn't been voted out, she might have left herself, because I honestly don't think she wanted to be there any more.

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