Saturday, August 31, 2013
Big Brother Around the World, Next Up: Australia! has happened again, I have found another version of Big Brother that I am now COMPLETELY obsessed with! This time it is Australia! After one of the worst, if not THE worst season of Big Brother this season, it is so refreshing and so much fun to see how other countries do it. I have to say right now, I would take any of the others over ours...and it kills me to say that, because I have loved Big Brother since Season 1. I have been so surprised just how much I've loved the other versions. I especially love the casts of Canada and Australia.
After loving Big Brother for the US version alone, for so many years, I heard that Canada was going to have their first season this past winter. I really didn't have any intention of watching it until I found out a bunch of BB alumni were going to watch and their fun tweets got me intrigued. Just one episode in, and I was hooked. For the most part, their version was identical to ours: they had HOHs, Haves/Have Nots, POV comps and they voted to evict their own.
I loved the cast of BBCAN so much, that I follow each of them on Twitter. My favorites are Andrew, Emmett, Jillian, Talla, Alec, Gary, Tom and Liza (so just about all of them!). They are hilarious and are superfans of our American version, so it's fun to hear their reactions and see their Twitter interactions with the BB US alumni.
Then, I found out that the BB UK version was extremely popular, so I thought I'd give that a try this summer. Boy is it different! First of all, their accents just make everything more fun. But beyond that, they have so many other differences! They have NO HOH, NO Have/Have Not, NO POV comps, and instead of the HOH nominating, the housemates ALL nominate, and then the PUBLIC votes each week for who they want to see evicted. They are given random tasks to do, which sometimes involve everyone, and sometimes it is just 1 or 2 housemates. Their food tasks usually involve everyone, and they play for their budget for the week. The current season just ended, and they quickly went into a celebrity version, which over there has also been very popular in the past. I didn't love the cast of this previous season as much as I loved Canada's cast, but I did love Callum, Charlie and Sam.
So now that the regular BB UK season is over, I have found Australia's Big Brother. I didn't know what to expect because I don't know anyone who has ever watched this version before. From the first episode...again, I was hooked! The cast is so amazing and funny! The differences in this version are that the housemates do the nominating, but it is based on a points weird! Each housemate has 5 points to nominate 2 people. They can assign however many points they want to for each of their nominees. Then, the 6 housemates with the most points are up for eviction. The public votes to SAVE housemates, and the one with the least amount of votes goes home.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to blog about the Australian version, but I'm just having too much fun watching it, that I need to talk about it! I'm pretty behind...about 3 weeks behind...but I'm trying to catch up this weekend. I'm going to follow the same blogging format that I used for the UK version, which was to do a recap of each week. It would be way too hard to do each episode, since there is 1 everyday!
So...if you are just as upset as me that people like David, Nick and Howard were so wrongly evicted way early and have left some really unlikable and despicable human beings to fight for the win in our current BB Season 15, here in the US...I HIGHLY recommend watching any one (OR ALL!) of the versions I've listed above. You will be shocked at the great quality of casts and new/interesting twists. Big Brother is fun again, and I find myself just wanting to watch more and more and more...I can't get enough! Join me in Season 10 of Big Brother's not too late to get started!
Here are the YouTube links that I have used for each version:
Canada: unfortunately, the link I used has been removed since the season has ended :( and unfortunately, I haven't found a channel that has all of the episodes. If you do some searching you can find a few episodes here and there, so you can probably get them all somewhere, just not on the same channel.
Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.25
Tonight will be the end of the 3AM alliance in more ways than one. Either Aaryn or Andy will be going home. Most people think it will be Aaryn going home. Andy has plans for a new alliance that doesn't include Amanda and McCrae--good for him! McCranda is going down!
Amanda on the Attack...Again
Props to Elissa for standing there, not saying a word while Amanda hurls insults at her from 1 foot away. Everyone sees what Amanda is doing as repulsive (whoa, I just typed "repulsive" at the same time Spencer said it...creepy!). Her behavior is making everyone uncomfortable. Elissa stayed calm and just let her say nasty things. I think it really bothered Amanda that Elissa wasn't fighting back. And then Amanda has the audacity to cry and say "I am not a bully." What delusional, psycho world is she living in?
New Alliance
Because of Amanda's horrific behavior, the rest of the house (Spencer, Andy, Judd, GinaMarie) has come together. They are calling themselves The Exterminators, because they will get rid of rats and snakes. I like it! At the beginning of the game, if you would have told me I would be rooting for any one of those 4, I would have told you you were crazy.
Aaryn's Campaign
Aaryn knows she's pretty much done, but she still tries to make a last ditch effort to get some votes. She knows she has GinaMarie's vote, but she needs Spencer and Judd. She tells them about the 3AM alliance...which included Andy. Andy is now in the Exterminators, so I'm sure they are questioning his loyalty. Aaryn tried to tell Amanda and McCrae that it would be better to keep her around because she has a lot of blood on her hands. She said that Spencer said he would put McCranda on the block. Amanda got pissed, and called Spencer over right away and asked him...he said Aaryn was lying. He walks away, and McCranda (well, Amanda...because McCrae never says ANYTHING) thinks that Spencer was lying. Amanda asks Aaryn if she would take them to the final 3, and she said she would and that she has proven her loyalty by doing what they wanted before.
BB Showmance Update
I love seeing BB alumni! First up is Rachel and Brendan, aka "Brenchel". They were the first BB marriage. Next up is Dani and Dominic, who recently got married. Jeff and Jordan, aka "Jejo"! They've been together for 4 years, but they still aren't married...come on Jeff...pop the question already!
The Vote
Amazing Race, Season 23 Cast
Photos and information from:
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Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.24
Elissa is really getting tired of Amanda, and she is now thinking that she would like to backdoor her. Judd is all for it. Amanda confronted her, and Elissa lied and said she wouldn't put her up. Amanda didn't buy her lie though. Elissa pulled Aaryn aside and told her that she would like to work with her, in order to get Amanda out. Of course Aaryn was all gung-ho for this plan. She is ready to do whatever Elissa wants her to in order to stay in the game. The plan is that if Aaryn picks "Houseguest Choice" for the Veto, that she will pick Judd.
Of course, it stands to reason, that now that Elissa has finally seen the light, and sees that Amanda should go instead of Aaryn...this does not bode well for the upcoming Veto comp...something is bound to happen to ruin this perfect plan. If she was really smart, she would have put Amanda and McCrae up, so that no matter what, one of them would end up on the block when it came time to vote.
Veto Player Selection
Players: Elissa, McCrae, Aaryn, Amanda, GinaMarie, Judd (as chosen by Aaryn as her houseguest's choice)
Amanda is immediately suspicious of Aaryn's choice of Judd instead of Andy, who is in their alliance. Aaryn said that he would be the only one who would save her...she said she didn't think that Andy or Spencer would. She said that Andy would most likely save McCrae over her. She would be right, but Amanda is still pissed because it was not an "alliance move". Any move that isn't Amanda's idea, is immediately seen as wrong. She can't stand when people make moves to save themselves. If she was in the same position, don't you think she would do the same thing? Hypocrite!
The most disgusting part of this entire thing was that Amanda and McCrae were in the shower together. Yuck! And Aaryn is talking to them...while they are in the shower...together. Yuck! Is McCrae really so disgusting and joined at Amanda's hip, that he can't shower without her? I've heard from the live feeds that Amanda constantly tells him that he smells and when she asks him if he's showered, washed his hair or put on deodorant, he always says "no".
Later, Amanda catches Elissa and GinaMarie talking game in the kitchen and she now knows that they are working together. Every time she walks through, they stop talking. So, she decides to confront them and a huge, loud fight ensues. The funniest part was when Elissa couldn't stop laughing while Amanda was yelling. She even spit out her drink! Eventually, Amanda just breaks down crying--another one of her go-to fake emotions when things aren't going her way.
So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.16
Duet w/ All-Stars
Paul & Kathryn - Jazz
Whoa, that opening was so crazy! Kathryn is huge! She had a big long dress on, as she towered over him, and then it was revealed that she was standing on a ladder, which was completely hidden by the dress. The music is very interesting. It's quirky and fun. He is doing an amazing job-you completely forget he's a ballroom dancer.
Hayley & Joshua - Hip-Hop
Wow, it's been a long time since we've seen Joshua! She was with him on every single move, and was hitting it hard. She definitely had swag! Doing a boxing theme, it would stick out quite a bit if she wasn't hitting it hard. Definitely a knock out!
Aaron & Melanie - Broadway
Fun music to dance to: George Michael's "Faith". His technique is always really good, but I STILL find him really boring. I don't know why! He adds character and facial expressions to his dancing, but for some reason, I just don't connect with him at all.
Fik-Shun & Witney - Foxtrot
They are the most unlikely of couples, Again, he is completely transformed into this style that is so different than what he is used to. I say it every week, but he is just so much fun to watch! From what I could tell, I think his frame was great, but we'll see what Mary has to say about it. I loved Witney's flip over him at the end! He did a nice leprechaun-esque heel kick, that was so high off to the side!
Jasmine & Neil - Contemporary
Yay Neil! I think I'm going to love this routine: Love Neil! Love Jasmine! Love Contemporary! Recreating a storm on stage...brilliant! And the music from Unfaithful which also had a "stormy/windy" scene, was absolutely spot-on! The raw emotion coupled with all of the wind and trash blowing on the stage...throughout the ENTIRE routine, mind you...was so cool! Best of the night! What a tribute to those who lost everything!
Amy & Alex - Bollywood
Bollywood numbers are always so fun! I loved her jump onto his shoulders and how he dropped her, that was so cool! Lots of fast moves, as you would expect from a Bollywood number. I will never understand how these dancers can pick up this style in such a short amount of just boggles my mind! Incredible! Not only that, but the athleticism and energy required to be able to do it physically, is just ridiculous!
Paired as Partners
Paul & Hayley - Contemporary
First of all, I have to say what an interesting version of "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" different! The dance was beautiful They made a great pair, and I loved their chemistry.
Amy & Fik-Shun - Hip-Hop
Reunited again! What an interesting outfit she was wearing, not only for hip-hop, but dancing in general. It was a really good routine, and they still worked very well together. There was a lot of fast movements, into really slow, slow motion parts. I thought they handled the transition from one to the other very well.
Jasmine & Aaron - Jazz
I love this concept, of her being stuck in the mirror. Very strange outfit she was wearing. Again, her legs are bent in ways that no human should be able to bend their legs! This was such a different routine, but it was so engaging, I didn't want to take my eyes off of them! So incredibly unique and creative, and they killed it!
Going Home
Hayley and Paul
Next week is the performance finale, with the final 4. Out of the final 4, there will be one guy winner and one girl winner. I'm hoping that Jasmine and Fik-Shun are the winners!
Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.23
We finally get to find out which juror will be coming back in the game and who will be the new HOH.
Most of the people are trying to dodge the balls flying at them instead of trying to catch them. Helen is running her mouth more than she is trying to catch balls. She is trying to fill the other jurors in on what has been going on in the house. She is hoping that they will be able to do the job she wasn't able to do...which was get Amanda out.
Surprisingly for 3AM, Amanda was the only one left, because both McCrae and Andy got out. Good luck're screwed.
Jessie was doing really good catching the balls, but she fell off, and was eliminated. And then....Helen falls! Whew...thank goodness we don't have to see her come back into the house and be completely fake and annoying. It's down to Judd and Candice, when Candice just kind of steps off the plank. She said her knee just gave out. So, after only catching about 4 balls, JUDD is coming back into the house! Woohoo! Exacly who I wanted. Now, he is still in to see if he can win the HOH.
Elissa is in the lead with 7 balls, and Judd was next with 5. Elissa slips, but she is still in it, and then Judd falls off. It's down to Elissa, Amanda and GinaMarie. Amanda's strategy was to stay steady and hope the others fell off...while Elissa continues to catch ball after ball. Then she pulls off a Spider Man like move to hang on and pull herself back up to safety. I don't know how she saved herself! She completely swung both legs off the platform and was just hanging onto the ball tube. She was lucky she was able to keep her feet up and not touch the ground. And just like that, Elissa gets #10! Woohoo! Exactly who I wanted to get it! Watch out 3AM!
Who knew that one person winning HOH could make so many people nervous. Aaryn is sure she's going home. Amanda is crying to McCrae that she is going to go home. Wah wah wah. Kudos to Elissa for wanting to make sure her target goes home for her HOH week. She doesn't want to do what others want, she wants to do her own thing. Yay! Finally! Someone who is NOT playing for the rest of the house, but for themselves. Now, if only she can pull it off.
So now, with Amanda not being able to get her way with Elissa...she's back to crying again.
Aaryn is Dumb!
Aaryn is doing her nails. Then, she picks up the nail polish remover, and takes a HUGE swig of it! She thought it was her water bottle apparently. does a person do something like that? I'm glad they showed this happening...Twitter was all a buzz right after it happened on the live feeds.
Elissa and Judd
Elissa and Judd try to work together. Neither one of them have anyone in the house, so naturally, they should try to team up. Their goal is to try to split up the power couples. Aaryn knows that she is a target, so she goes to her and says that she will do anything to stay. She said that Amanda and McCrae should be the target because they will always stick together. Elissa doesn't buy what she's telling her because she has tried to trust her in the past and she has screwed her. Elissa is right not to believe her, because she says that she is telling Elissa what she wants to hear, and that she wants to punch herself in the face because she feels stupid begging Elissa like that. Personally, I don't care who she goes after, as long as Amanda or Aaryn go home.
Nomination Ceremony
Elissa nominates Aaryn and McCrae
Very interesting. Time for McCrae to fight for himself for once, and not just for Amanda.
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Thursday, August 22, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.23
The Vote
By a vote of 4-1, Helen is finally evicted!! I'd be a lot more excited if there wasn't a chance she could come back. Oh, who am I kidding, she can't win anything (except probably this time, because she is just THAT annoying).
Return of the Jury & HOH Competition
The jury members catch up on the who's and how's of their evictions at the jury house. By seeing this, we know that they were not sequestered apart, which means it's kind of unfair that someone gets to go back into the house (just like in Big Brother Canada when Gary re-entered the house). The jury comes back into the house and Candice, being the bigger person, hugs both Aaryn and GinaMarie, and also wishes GM a happy birthday. Helen and Elissa, who just saw each other a few minutes ago, hug and jump up and down and scream like teenagers. Gag!
For the competition, it's actually a two-fer. All the houseguests and jury members are lined up on a wall, while standing on a very narrow platform. Balls will be hurled at them, and they have to try to catch 10, without falling, in order to win. The current houseguests are competing for HOH and the jury members are competing to see who will re-enter the house. Now, I don't quite understand the rules here, but if someone from the jury finishes before a current houseguest, does that mean they are also HOH? I'm a little confused.
The comp starts, and it takes forever for the balls to start flying. But when they do, man, they are like fired from cannons! Those are going to be hard to catch! Then there's a long lull until the balls come again. Now the water starts, which will make things much harder. Candice looks scared, Judd is getting hit right in the face, and McCrae looks like he's posing for a wet t-shirt competition. Jessie is out to an early lead, but not much else is happening.'s a "to be continued" competition, so unfortunately, we have to wait until Sunday to find out what happens. Unless you pay to see the live feeds, or have Twitter, because someone will tweet what happens sooner or later. Until then...go Judd (or Jessie) and Elissa! (Never thought I'd be rooting for either of them)
Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.22
Helen wants to backdoor Spencer. Andy tells Spencer. Helen asks Andy if anyone is talking about voting her out, and he lies and says "no". Andy lets Helen think that he would use the Veto to save her...he's lying.
Veto Competition: OTEV
Players: Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, GinaMarie, Spencer, Andy (chosen by Elissa as "Houseguest's Choice")
What a mess! OTEV is beaver this season. He is writing love letters to evicted houseguests. A flood swept away his love letters, and it is the houseguest's job to figure out who he is referring to and go out into the water, mud and woodchips to find the letter with the correct houseguest's name on it. The last to bring it back to their stump is eliminated in each round.
Round 1: The answer is Jeremy (went on a rant about wine), and GinaMarie is last. She searched and searched, and surprisingly was only finding Nick's name everywhere. After she finally finds "Jeremy", and realizes she is dead last.
Round 2: The answer is Judd (left in his bear shirt), and Elissa BLOWS by Helen who was half way up the ramp, and Helen is eliminated.
Round 3: The answer is Candice (left as a clown), and Andy is eliminated.
Round 4: The answer is Howard (chiseled with stone), and Aaryn is eliminated.
Round 5: The answer is Jessie (took the Veto and gave the money away), and Spencer is last to his stump, which means ELISSA wins the Veto!
Great to see Elissa fight for the win to save herself! We're just one step closer to Helen walking out the door. Spencer is ticked that he didn't win because he knows that he is most likely going to be the replacement nominee and will be on the block for the 6th straight week. As much as I want to see Helen and Amanda go, if they don't watch it, Spencer is going to pawn his way to the finals.
After the Veto
Survivor Season 27: Blood vs. Water--UPDATE: OFFICIAL CAST
On May 17, I first published this post with the leaked cast for Survivor 27: Blood vs. Water. I have now removed all of the speculation, and have updated this post with the correct information. The only information that was incorrect was that RC Saint-Armour was competing with her father. She actually is not, and Candice Cody (Woodcock) is instead. UPDATE, 8/29/13: Jeff Probst said that RC and her dad were in the Philippines, set to compete. However, on a final doctor check-up, her dad's blood pressure was extremely high, so they pulled them from the game. Within a couple hours, Candice and her husband were called, flown to the Philippines and picked up in a helicopter. From there they joined the group in time for the group photo.
The only other piece of information that was incorrect was that we thought Gervase's nephew was competing, but it is actually his niece.
Along with the cast being confirmed, we now know what the twists will be. These twists sound very interesting. I'm not sure whether they will be good or bad, but nonetheless, they will make things interesting and will really change the game.
- "Day Zero" Twist: ALL of the Survivors, the returning players as well as their loved ones will be sent out the night before the game actually begins. This is supposed to make them think that they will be playing "with" their loved one.
- "Loved One Split" Twist: The next morning when they meet Jeff, they will be separated into 2 different tribes: Galang (Returning Players-yellow) and Tadhana (Loved Ones-red).
- "Immediate Tribal Council" Twist: Minutes after being separated, each tribe must vote out 1 member. Those 2 Survivors will go to Redemption Island, with a chance to later return to the game.
- "New Redemption Island Duel" Twist: Before each duel to see who stays at Redemption Island and who leaves the game for good, Jeff will give them the opportunity to swap places with their loved one. If they think the other person would have a better chance at winning, they might want to swap. If they do so, the other person joins the OTHER tribe. They are not limited to one swap...they could swap again at the next duel, should they win.
- "Immunity Idol Clue" Twist: The winner of the duel at Redemption Island earns the right to give a clue to the Hidden Immunity Idol to anyone they want to--it doesn't matter which tribe.
The season premiere is Sept. 18! So, who will officially be competing on Season 27? Here are all 10 of the returning Survivors, along with their loved ones (all of the photos and information has been updated from the original post):
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.15
In Jeopardy
Tucker, Jenna, Fik-Shun, Hayley
Aaron & Chelsie-Jive
Chelsie is amazing, and has really upped her game after being on Dancing With The Stars. She's used o choreographing for her partners, and her creativity really showed in this routine. Personally, I always find Aaron a bit boring, so I did tend to watch her more than him. He had some really high kicks, but his timing wasn't always great. The lifts were a little awkward at times. I think it was just a little too fast for him to keep up with, so he looked like he was always a little behind and trying to catch up.
Fik-Shun & Allison-Contemporary
This piece is a beautiful representation of discrimination and prejudice. I'm pretty sure she is drawing from experience with her being engaged to tWitch. I love the song "Skinny Love" by Birdy!! It's one of my favorites!!! Fik-Shun truly is a beautiful dancer. I just love watching him. I got the goosebumps on this one! They were very in sync when they needed to be. And as always, Fik-Shun added his facial expressions and emotions to the piece that really brings it to life. His parts didn't have as much substance as hers, but like Mary said, she wouldn't have been able to do what she did without him.
Tucker & Courtney-Jazz
Romeo and Juliet...with LIFTS! Courtney looks gorgeous! Love her! The music and the choreography are not what you would think of for a typical jazz piece. It's more contemporary that's a bit jazzed up. The lifts were insane and very fast! She was up one second and flying down the next. It was a really great piece and I loved the ending! This style is right up Tucker's alley. He's all about the big leaps.
After their dance, Nigel brings up what Courtney has been going through...and I had no idea! She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and she recently went blind in her left eye! What an inspiration she is, as she is able to go out there and perform and choreograph the way that she has. Wow
Paul & Comfort-Hip-Hop
Will Paul be able to get down and dirty for this hip-hop? I don't know if he has it in him. So far, he's doing pretty darn good! He is hitting each move and is right in sync with her. I didn't know if he would be able to look tough and hit it hard, but he did. Well done, Paul!
Hayley & Dmitry-Rumba
Oh, how I've missed Dmitry! Love him! Please Dancing With The NEED to have him as a pro again! What a steamy, sexy rumba! Love seeing those beautiful abs of his! Hayley was good, too :) Very nice routine.
Jenna & Mark-Jazz
Well hello, Mr. Lady Gaga's Backup Dancer! I love Mark, and it's so great to see him back on SYTYCD. I remember him for some of his crazy routines on the show, and as a backup dancer for Lady Gaga, you know he's going to bring the crazy! And holy crap was this routine crazy! The moves were ridiculous! A feast for the eyes, you didn't know what they were going to do next. So creative. It was jazz, but it had a different type of feel, that I'm not even sure how to describe it. It had some like Bollywood stuff, it was kind of robotic and funky, and there could have even been some African jazz in there. Honestly, I don't know why America doesn't seem to like Jenna, and she ends up in the bottom every week. I love her, and obviously the judges and choreographers love her, because they save her every week.
Jasmine & tWitch-Hip-Hop
This is going to be amazing, I think.! Super tWtich! She is definitely Flexy Girl. I love how they revealed their superhero costumes to the beat of the music. So sick! Jasmine has "win" written all over her. She is so amazing! Her and tWtich were so in sync they looked like twins. Great job!
Amy & Travis-Contemporary
I have been such a huge fan of Travis, ever since he was runner-up 7 years ago (has it really been 7 years?). He had some of the most memorable routines...the "bench routine"...need I say more. I'm so happy that he's had so much success and has come back to choreograph some of the most memorable routines over the past few seasons. I have goosebumps before it even started! I just love him so much! He is so talented! Her leap into his arms was so perfect! I loved every move. It was so passionate and gripping. Wow...just amazing! That's all I can is beyond words. Like Jenna Elfman said, it's "perfection". He is Emmy nominated for a reason.
Going Home
Tucker and Jenna (I really feel like they cut Jenna tonight, just because of all the negative backlash every week when they saved her...sad to see her go).
I feel like I did so much writing about the All-Stars tonight! I guess it's because there were some faces we haven't seen for awhile. And then, the level of choreography was brought to a new level. I think it really stepped up their game and gave the All-Stars a real sense of ownership in getting to put together their whole routine. It was an amazing night of dancing, and I hope they let the All-Stars do more choreographing in the future!
Don't forget to follow on Twitter for updates and live show tweets!
Monday, August 19, 2013
Big Brother UK 14: Week 9 Recap & Finale
The normal Big Brother announcer comes over the loud speaker and announces what the housemates are doing, and they have to react and do what he says they are doing. First it was a dance party, next it was a very raucous food fight! Gina gets upset that the boys took it too far. Then Big Brother says that she tells the house that she wants to clean the mess herself (finally she gets a bad task).
Next, Sam and Jack are to hold hands and take a romantic stroll in the garden. How cute. Gina, Jack and Joe are told to go to the garden and discuss Gina's reaction to Hazel leaving. Dexter and Charlie are told to be alone in the treehouse. Charlie is supposed to tell Dexter how she truly feels about him and then he is supposed to tell her the same thing. Then Big Brother tells Charlie to kiss Dexter passionately, and then a second time!
Then it's time for a pillow fight! "Not my head", yells Gina!
Caribbean Party
They get to party with a reggae singer, while they make a Caribbean meal and then they have fun doing the limbo. There was sand for them, so it was like they were at the beach. Later that evening, the twins and Sam were trying to jump over the limbo funny!
Who Should Go To The Final?
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.21
These houseguests are absolutely pitiful. Aaryn has been HOH 4 times now! It just goes to show that everyone in this house this season is helpless. McCrae threw the HOH to Amanda to get to the final round. Then Aaryn tried to throw it, and she still loses. Oh yes...and they are showing Amanda crying behind the trash can! Yes! I read about this on Twitter and wondered if they would show it. Finally, everyone is talking about how Amanda is ruining his game. He needs to cut her loose if he has any hopes of winning this game. He spends all of his time reassuring her and getting her through her tough times. I read on Twitter that Amanda and Aaryn talked about what happened in the HOH comp, and Aaryn joked that she can't compete next week, so maybe she could win then. Aaryn thought it was funny...Amanda did not.
Helen's BS
Helen just spews BS left and right, to whoever she is talking to. It is ridiculous how much crap she goes out of her way to say to everyone just to get in good with them. And what makes it even worse is that these people just eat it up and just think Helen is such a great person and is so nice. IT'S ALL GAME PEOPLE! WAKE UP! I literally can't stand Helen's annoying voice any more! Shut up!
3 AM's Target
Now that Amanda is done with her pity party for herself, she decided it's time to go after her newest target. She tells McCrae that Aaryn needs to put up Helen and Elissa. Aaryn wants to put up Spencer because he's sketchy. Aaryn whines that every time there is a big play to be made that she is the one who has to do it, and is getting a lot of blood on her hands. Well, if anyone else could win, then maybe someone else would be making the big moves. She's proven herself to be pretty much unbeatable in competitions, since everyone else sucks, so I think she can pretty much plan on getting blood on her hands every other week.
3 AM Organization
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.20
I sure hope we don't have to sit through 1/2 hour of Jessie in Paranoid City. They might as well just tell her she's going home, or she's going to drive them all nuts asking for reassurance from everyone that she's OK. Oh my gosh...Andy tells Helen and Elissa to get better poker faces with Jessie because she is figuring out that she's going because they are treating her differently. And Helen reacts so disgusted like she's totally not doing that and she can't figure out why Jessie wouldn't trust her. Um...because she can't!
She Said/She Said
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.19
New Alliances?
Andy and alliance? I hope not...I really want Spencer gone. Andy tells Spencer that he is not the target. But...he also tells Jessie that she is not the target. He says in the DR that Jessie is the target and he is hoping to blindside her. Of course she believes him, because apparently everyone believes everything he says. Hence EVERY SINGLE HG saying they feel safe this week because they are Andy's friend.
McCranda, Andy and Aaryn. Yuck. Alliance name=3 AM. Wow...that's lame...just like them. I liked Moving Company better. Aaryn decides that this is a better alliance for her than working with Helen, so she's jumping that ship.
Wimpy Andy
Andy proved that he'd rather be a safe floater than try to make a move. He honestly said that he was hoping to get out of this HOH with no blood on his hands! Has he ever watched this show before? It is impossible NOT to get blood on your hands: you nominate 2 people, 1 of them goes are responsible! Therefore, someone left in the house is going to come after you!
Amanda's Plan
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.14
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Sunday, August 11, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.18
During the debacle of last week's first eviction, when Candice and GinaMarie were attacking each other, I was confused by the "Mom" comment that GinaMarie made. It totally didn't make any sense to me. I can't believe that I forgot that Candice was adopted. Wow...that was a really, really, uncalled for low blow by GM.
Onto Judd's eviction. No wonder everyone was crying...he was begging them to stay and he was so emotional. Aaryn said she didn't know if she was doing the right thing. He kept saying it wasn't too late, while Helen sits next to her telling her that it was the right thing to do. Just outrageous. Why every one of them doesn't gang up on Helen is beyond me. NONE of them wanted him gone, yet they listened to ONE person. What is wrong with this picture?
HOH Competition
Well, at least since Aaryn is out-going HOH she can't compete, so someone else will have a chance to win something for a change.
The houseguests will play head-to-head, rolling a ball "cherry" on a long wobbly "banana" board to get it to land on top of the sundae firs. The winner will then name 4 Have Nots for the week.
Round 1:
Helen vs. Jessie--Jessie wins
Andy vs. GinaMarie--Andy wins
Amanda vs. Spencer--Amanda wins
Elissa vs. McCrae--McCrae
Round 2:
Jessie vs. Andy--Andy wins
Amanda vs. McCrae--McCrae wins (Amanda is not too happy that McCrae didn't let her win...she actually cried and whined that he should have thrown it because she can't win anything! What an idiot! McCrae was smart for not throwing it, because he showed the house that he won't do just anything for her.)
Round 3:
Andy vs. McCrae--Andy wins
Andy chooses: Helen, GinaMarie, Elissa and Aaryn (GinaMarie, Elissa and Aaryn actually volunteered!)
Helen in her usual fake complimenting self, tries to console Amanda by telling her that she should be proud because the only reason that their people are in the game is because of her! That is total BS! No way is that true. When will people catch on to Helen's crap? It's really driving me nuts!
"Andy's" HOH
This should be good, because EVERY single person in the house said that they are friends with Andy and that they feel really good this week.
Helen tries to make Andy's HOH, HER HOH. She wants Amanda and McCrae to be nominated. Now THAT would be a bold move. I can actually respect that decision. However, Andy is very tight with Amanda and McCrae. Hmmm...what will he do.
Spencer and Jessie
No surprises there. He's weak, and couldn't make a big move this week. Another waste of an HOH. Way to go Andy.
And now that there is no more MVP 3rd nominee, we are stuck with these 2 nominees, unless someone uses the Veto.
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Big Brother UK 14: Week 8 Recap
Big Brother tells Dexter that he is going to be a magician, and he's going to be messing with the other housemates. He is supposed to make them believe that he is actually performing magic.
- He changes Gina's shoe into chocolate treats
- He turns Charlie's hat into a bottle of wine
- He turns Sam's flip-flop into a plate of coal
- With a hidden ear piece, Dexter reads Sophie, Hazel, and Gina's mind to reveal their true thoughts about other housemates
- For the finale, he chooses to make Sam disappear; however, Big Brother takes him to a secret room where he gets to spy on the rest of the house (Dexter didn't know what was happening)--he got quite an earful, because all of the housemates were talking about him and about how Dexter wants him gone
Big Brother UK 14: Week 7 Recap
The Pickle Incident
Everyone was having fun with pickles and Charlie got out of hand and was poking Hazel way too hard and she got her in the eye. Obviously she had a bit too much to drink. Hazel didn't want to make a big deal about it, but her eye did hurt. Big Brother called her to the Diary Room and she said she was fine. Then an argument started downstairs when Charlie thought she heard Callum say that she was being aggressive. She explained that she was only doing what was being done to her and she accidentally hit Hazel's eye. When Hazel returned downstairs, they all speculated why she was called to the DR. Charlie then made an off-handed remark about how it was like what happened with Daley. Hazel took a great offense to that. Once again, Charlie has opened her mouth without thinking first. Hazel got really upset.
Follow The Leader Task
Dexter is given the task of following Sophie around and go everywhere she goes. Then Hazel is told to follow Dexter wherever he goes. Then Gina is told to follow Hazel wherever she goes. Callum is told to follow Gina. Charlie is told to follow Callum. Sam is told to follow Charlie. Jack/Joe are told to follow Sam. Then finally, Sophie is told she has to follow Jack/Joe around. They finally catch on!
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Big Brother UK 14: Week 6 Recap
The housemates are paired up with boxes. If both smash the box, no one wins. If they both don't smash the box, they win something for the house. If one does and one doesn't, the one who breaks their box selfishly, wins the reward. The pairs:
- Gina vs. Hazel-both smash
- Jack vs. Sam-Jack smashes and Sam lets him have it because the reward was a birthday bash
- Sophie vs. Charlie-both don't smash and earn 6 eggs for the house
- Dan vs. Joe-Joe smashes and Dan lets him have it to share in the birthday bash with Jack
- Callum vs. Dexter-the reward was a romantic dinner with the guest of their choice; Callum doesn't smash his and Dexter waits until the last minute and breaks his. Then, like a smug little prick, he chooses DAN for his romantic dinner. He broke the box only because he didn't want Callum to win. How ridiculous! He makes a huge point to say that winning wasn't about winning the romantic dinner, it was ONLY about beating Callum. Ugh! Makes me hate him even more!
Sam & Sophie's Choice
Sam and Sophie are to choose a third person to join them in the Safe House, and who would be immune from the public vote (we all know this is a lie). They are to choose 3 housemates whom they would like to ask questions to, and those people will answer them in the Diary Room and Sam and Sophie will get to watch. Dan is so smart. He figured it out pretty quickly that Sam ans Sophie were going to get to watch their Diary Room sessions. After seeing the videos, they choose to "save" Dan, and bring him into the Safe House with them. Little do they know that they have just put him up for eviction with them. They chose him because Sam's bff is Callum and Sophie's bff is Jack/Joe, so Dan was someone whom they both like and thought he might not be as safe as the others.
Dr. Callum
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.17
The usually unimportant, shout-out-to-family speeches before the vote, turned into an all-out, name-calling scream match between Candice and GinaMarie. These 2 grown women acted like children and should be embarrassed for themselves. What GinaMarie said during the fight was obviously pretty consistent with the garbage she has said all season long, but Candice didn't look much better.
The Votes
With a unanimous vote, Candice is the first person evicted tonight.
HOH Competition #1
Aaryn wins it quickly by answering correctly and the remaining 4 or 5 got it wrong. How disgusting. These people can't seem to do anything.
Nominations: Jessie and Spencer. Yep, you read that right. Just about the 2 least threatening people in the house. Aaryn said she was doing what the house wanted. Whatever happened to making bold moves for YOURSELF? These people are too stupid to realize that they are not doing what the "house" wants...they are doing what "Helen" wants.
Veto Competition: Aaryn wins...again, how disgusting!
Veto Ceremony: Aaryn removes Jessie and puts Judd on the block!
Aaryn said that she had to put Judd up because he was playing the whole house. She said a couple people wanted her to do it and she would go home if she didn't.
The Vote
With another unanimous vote, Judd is evicted. These people can't make a move for themselves at all. Every last one of them is bawling their eyes out as they say they sadly have to vote to evict Judd. They are making it seem like someone is pointing a gun at their heads (Helen) and MAKING them vote out Judd. NO ONE except for Helen wanted him out. Notice how Helen was the only one NOT crying? She persuaded them to do it and they were ALL a mess. They are acting like blind little lambs...being led to the slaughter. If they don't wake from under Helen's spell, they are all going to fall off the cliff one by one, because it will be too late.
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Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.16
The house is still all over the place when it comes to guessing who the MVP is. Spencer thinks it could be America. Amanda thinks that it probably isn't America, because she doesn't think America would put her up. She said she has gotten all the mean people out of the house, and she hopes that there would be someone else besides her that America would want to nominate. Sorry Amanda, America is hating you more and more every week.
Trouble in Paradise
Things are not all peachy in the world of McCranda. McCrae is getting tired of Amanda's constant bickering in the house and always storming out of the room. He wants to stick with her, but she's making it difficult. He can't separate himself from him, or she will be pissed and will come after him. Looks like he's caught between a pizza and a hard place. The problems go both ways, and she is irritated with him, too. I'm still not really sure why, she just does a lot of talking and a lot of whining in his ear. I'm surprised he's been able to stick with her this long.
America's MVP Nomination: Amanda
Of course when she finds out, she has a little hissy fit. She thinks Judd is the MVP, so she runs around the house stirring things up once again. Amanda wants everyone to use the Veto on her, and Aaryn thinks that's very selfish. Hmmm...let's think about this. Yes, I think everyone would want someone to use the Veto on themselves. Aaryn's just mad because she knows that if Amanda is taken off the block, that she would be the replacement. GinaMarie flat out told Amanda in front of Aaryn that if she won that she would use the Veto to save her. That ticked Aaryn off, and she stormed out of the room.
Veto Competition: Frog Darts
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.13
In Danger: Jenna, Alan, Malece, Nico, Amy, Tucker
Wow, there are some surprising names called out this week. They Nico and Jenna to safety, and the other 4 dance their solos.
Hayley & Nico-Broadway
This is a new pair this week, and they complimented each other very well. They both brought the drama and acting to the number. And then...that flip! HOLY CRAP! She pulled her leg straight up to her head and he pulled her, split and all, over his back vertically. That was insane!
Malece & Alan-Jazz
How cute are they? Alan did an amazing job bringing to life the famous old Hollywood dancing. Malece was great, as usual, but I actually think Alan's facial expressions were so reminiscent of that era. Really cute number. Nigel was way harsh!
Jenna & Tucker-Paso Doble
A pirate Paso Doble...that's a first! So, Tucker is injured, so Alex Wong takes his place. Jenna has been a favorite of mine since the beginning...I can't believe she was in the bottom 3 again. She did an amazing job. She was fierce and sexy, just what this Paso called for.
Makenzie & Paul-Contemporary
Not the best, most exciting Contemporary piece I've ever seen, but they danced it well. The best parts were the lifts...those were amazing.
Amy & Fik-Shun-Viennese Waltz
This is about as far away from Fik-Shun's comfort zone as you can get. But you know what? He looked like a ballroom dancer out there! He's like a chameleon. He just blends right into each style, and he looks like he doesn't even have to try that hard. And that over head lift was incredible. His strength surprises me every week. Amy was gorgeous and her movements were so fluid and light.
Jasmine & Aaron-Hip-Hop
What a fun routine! This dance had a little bit of everything. They were hitting it hard and there was a lot of playfulness and fun as well. I wasn't a huge fan of Aaron at the beginning, but he is growing on me, and I love his chemistry with Jasmine. For a tapper, he's really proved to be a great overall dancer. There really isn't anything Jasmine can't make look good.
Eliminated: Malece & Alan
WHAT?! I cannot believe they eliminated Malece! I thought she was a front runner. And I'm going to miss Alan. I wish they would have eliminated Tucker instead since he is hurt and couldn't dance this week, except for his solo.Bummer to lose both of them tonight.
So, now we have our top 10. Next week, they will be saying goodbye to their partners, and they will each be dancing with an All-Star.
Monday, August 5, 2013
The Bachelorette, Ep. 9.11: The Finale & After The Final Rose
When we last left off, Brooks broke Des's heart and left. She said that she couldn't love Drew and Chris the way she loved Brooks. So what is she going to do? She had the ending planned and was ready to spend the rest of her life with Brooks, and he just threw a curveball at her and left her totally confused and broken. She didn't see it coming.
Now, not only does she not have Brooks (at this point), but now she most likely has to dump 2 guys who both want to propose to her. It would be totally unbelievable if she is able to switch gears and pick one of the remaining guys. Not after her completely emotional and desperate plea to Brooks to stay. BUT, she's talking to Chris, and after crying just a couple minutes ago, she now says she's ready to give Drew and Chris a chance and move on with the process. Anyone want to take bets on at what point Brooks comes back? I'm guessing right before she hands out a rose at this next Rose Ceremony, he'll pull up in a limo and ask to talk to her.
RealitySteve is so rarely wrong, and he had this to say before the show: "Nothing has changed. What I reported about the final result back in May never changed & I never wavered from it. Enjoy tonight"
Rose Ceremony
Big Brother UK 14: Week 5 Recap
Since Dan is a former policeman, Big Brother gave him the task of being a detective. Big Brother selected Sam to be a secret saboteur, out to ruin Dan's day. It is up to Dan to find out who the saboteur is. All the rest of the housemates are there to assist Sam in burying Dan's toiletries in the veg patch and throwing his clothes in the pool.
In full detective gear, Dan sets out to interview his housemates to get clues of the saboteurs identity, while Sam begins his plan. Dan hides behind beds and behind doors as he listens and watches what people are doing. It's hilarious! At the end of the day, Dan had to make his guess of who the saboteur was and he chose Sam! Good work detective Dan! For failing his task, Sam is sent to jail. Poor Sam. Dan's reward was some fitness equipment.
New Safe House Guests
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.15
- Spencer has to speak into a megaphone for 24 hours, until the nominations
- Candice wins $5,000
- Helen wins a barbecue party
- The competition comes down to McCrae and GinaMarie, and GinaMarie wins
Saturday, August 3, 2013
So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.12
In Jeopardy: Jasmine, Alan, Alexis, Curtis, Makenzie, Nico
Jenna & Tucker-Hip-Hop
Ooh, those black leather oufits were fierce! And so were they! Tucker really surprised me! They were definitely hitting it hard, but they could have been in synch a little better.
Alexis & Nico-Contemporary
Yay, Sonya! Lots of dark emotion in this dance. It was really good! I love Nico!
Hayley & Curtis-Argentine Tango
Curtis injured his shoulder and couldn't dance, so Hayley danced with Leonardo. She did very well and had very good leg flicks and extensions.
Makenzie & Paul-Jazz
Another Sonya! Her legs are insane! But even more insane were the lifts!! Incredible routine, loved everything about it!!
Jasmine & Aaron-Contemporary
Jasmine is beautiful and stunning as always. I love their chemistry. Aaron is such a big guy, and it always surprises me that he dances so softly.
Amy & Fik-Shun-Hip-Hop
I loved their use of the tray as a prop, and then the napkins and the menus, and the chair at the end. Fik-Shun shined in his element and Amy did well with this smoother form of Hip-Hop. It was really cute!
Malece & Alan-Salsa
Alan is so cute! And they make a great couple! This salsa had so much going on! There were tons of lifts and Alan did an incredible job. They both could have had a bit more hip action, but overall it was really fun. And that split by Alan was fantastic!
Eliminated: Curtis and Alexis
So You Think You Can Dance, Ep. 10.11
In Jeopardy: Mariah, BluPrint, Makenzie, Alan, Jenna and Curtis
Alexis & Nico-Jive
Great kicks and flicks. I love their energy. Very fun routine.
Jenna & Tucker-Contemporary
Yay! A Travis Wall routine! I love the "puppet strings". That's something we've never seen on this show creative. The whole dance was moving, beautiful and gave me chills.
Makenzie & Paul-Hip-Hop
Really great job. I didn't think Paul would be that good at hip-hop! It was a very steamy dance and they had great chemistry.
Mariah & BluPrint-Jazz
This is not what you would expect for a Jazz routine. It is so cool! So much hard-hitting should be a Hip-Hop routine. I loved the music and costumes, too. The only thing negative was that they seemed a bit timid at times and their transitions weren't as smooth as they could hsve been.
Malece & Alan-Hip-Hop
I loved this routine! Malece is just crazy good. I really like Alan and I enjoyed his performance, but I know the judges will say he needed to hit it harder. I think it would hsve been even better if he did, becsuse he seemed a little to loosy-goosy.
Hayley & Curtis-Contemporary
This was a great routine and I lived the ladder! Who knew you could do so much cool choreography with a ststionary, vertical ladder? I especially loved tge ending at the very top of the ladder.
Amy & Fik-Shun-Jazz
Such a cool, fun routine. Fik-Shun uses so many facial expressions when he dances, it really makes everything he does so believable. The leap into his arms at the end was freat, snd I lived how he dropped her down around his neck. He doesn't look like he should be strong enough to pull it off. They make a great couple.
Jasmine & Aaron-Quickstep
It was definitely quick! I loved the flips, especially the ending. And her legs, my goodness!
Going Home: Mariah & BluPrint
Big Brother, Ep. 15.14
Have/Have-Not Competition
They have to stack pieces of evidence from shelves. The order they finish, the more clues they get. During the 2nd part, they have to remember where each piece went on the shelves. The clues show a few pieces and where they went. I can't believe how dumb these people are. Poppy Montgomery was the guest host (via video). Her show is called Unforgettable, and that was part of the name of the challenge. I can't believe no one thought about memory being part of the challenge.
Ultimately, the green team of Candice (3 time Have-Not), GinaMarie (1st time Have-Not), Judd and Amanda came in last and are the Have-Nots for the week.
Nominations: Howard and Spencer
Big Brother, Ep. 15.13
The Votes
Evicted: Kaitlin
HOH Competition
They have to roll a ball for it to land on a wheel with numbers. The person who gets it on the highest number wins.
New HOH: Aaryn
Big Brother, Ep. 15.12
America Nominates: Elissa!
America voted Elissa as the MVP for 3 straight weeks, now they nominate her! I think some people may not have realized what they were voting for. On Twitter, they are saying that she was Topaz'd (reference to Topaz on Big Brother Canada casting her vote for the wrong person to win, which then caused Jillian to win instead of Gary).
Everyone is in shock and some people actually think Elissa nominated herself to throw suspicion off of her being MVP again.
Veto Competition
The Players: Judd, Aaryn, Kaitlin, Elissa, Helen, McCrae
The task is to crawl through mud and retrieve ballot votes, all worth different amounts. They can only keep 4 ballots. Some have rewards or punishments and if they choose to keep them, they get them whether they win or lose.
McCrae keeps $5000. Judd chooses one worth 18, with the punishment of solitary confinement for 24 hours, with a snooze alarm going off every 9 minutes. Elissa keeps one worth 20, with a punishment that she can't play for Veto the next week. Helen keeps one worth 10, with a punishment of an 8 pm curfew for 2 nights.
The Winner: Elissa
Elissa removes herself and America's replacement nominee is GinaMarie.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Big Brother, Ep. 15.16
Fight to Save Howie
Spencer did his best to sway the "underlings" (his word) to vote out Amanda. Those underlings would be GinaMarie, Judd, Andy.
Andy goes to Amanda and spoiled Spencer's plan. She confronts him and he lies to her face and said he wants Candice out. Things got pretty heated, and the bully in Spencer came out once again.
Candice Calls a House Meeting
First of all, these NEVER go well. She calls Spencer out on the carpet and she repeats some pretty nasty things that he said. If she wasn't a target before, she might just be one now. The girls of the house are really tired of dealing with Candice and want to get her out.
The Votes
By a vote of 7-1, my Howie was evicted. Sadly another favorite is out the door, while some really despicable and annoying people remain. I had high hopes for this season, but it's quickly going down the crapper. Aaryn, Helen and Spencer need to go!!!!!
HOH Competition: Bull in a China Shop
Holding onto a rope while trying to stay on a rolling barrell...yeehaw!
The first 3 to fall off get the chance to open a box that could contain $5,000.
To be continued...